The one and the only reason for all the sufferings -
whether visible or invisible -
of the humanity is lack of mutual LOVE
The one and the only preaching that
all the Gurus of all the Religions,
all the Scriptures of all the Religions is LOVE
The one and the only reason for all the hatred,
desire, wars, destruction, anger, etc., etc is...
again lack of mutual LOVE
So, let us understand that LOVE and LOVE only is the binding force of the whole of humanity and that LOVE exists only where there is no EGO. We cannot drive away EGO; but in this very understanding the EGO would vanish on its own and then what remains is PURE LOVE which would turn this whole earth into heaven.
P. S: Thanks to My Dear Murali Manohar sir, (The famous Tamil cine Actor commonly known as Adadae Manohar) with such an Universal Fatherly soul, for correcting the original content posted by me.